Scripture Sharing

10 Love Story in Bible - Adam & Eve

4:46 PM

Adam & Eve is the first couple recorded in Bible. First heard in my elementary school, when I was 10 years old. That time, I was wondering a lot about how Adam choose a name for each animal he met. Years after, I realize that there is so much things happen between God and Adam, far more than just a naming task.
Before we learn from Adam & Eve's Love Story, lets take a look on how this two people lives in their single live before even they met each other.


Meet Adam, the very first man God has created after every everything set up. You can read the complete passage on Genesis 1 and 2. Adam means "MAN". Adam have a very strong connection and intimacy with God, because God gave His own spirit to him.
Adam was formed from the ground. The word "formed" suggests the careful work of a potter making an exquisite art-piece. Into this earthen vessel God breathed the breath of life (Gen 2:7). These words describe vivid intimacy between God and man not shared by animals.
"Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person." 
Genesis 2:7 (NLT)

As a single man living, God gave Adam task, to rule all creation, how can Adam knows this? 
There's a close relation Adam made with God, I imagine how Adam talk with God freely. 
I even imagine how excited when Adam walk with God and discussed a name for animals, fish, birds. How he talk with God about one day spent with God at night and oh how I envy Adam because of this priviledge he had.
Adam has a very close relationship with God, enough so he knows what God's purpose in his life, enough to knows God's heart, enough to obey God's command (not to eat Tree-of-knowledge-good-and-evil), enough to focus on God.

Do you spending your single time on God or on your gadget (you can change it into acknowledgement, prestige, love, money, etc)? 
Do you enjoying your single time or wasting it just for fun? 
Do you even build relation with God?  
Do you know what purpose God's gave to you?
Do you focus on searching God or focus on winning some girls heart?

There is 2 point that Adam teach us, how he build his relation with God in his single life:
Adam build his relationship on God everyday.

Adam teach us to focus on God, he never complaint that he need helper, because his help comes from God himself.


Meet Eve, the very first woman created from Adam's ribs. She was created from part of Adam's life.
Thus, when God made Adam, He prepared for Eve too. (Gen 2:18-21)

18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”  
19 So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one.  
 20 He gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was no helper just right for him. 
21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening.  
Genesis 2:18-21 (NLT)

You know, God made Eve just like Adam, He want Eve has His spirit too.. Thats why, on Gen 2:20 no helper match for Adam. Eve has a unique role, she formed by God himself, created when no one knows, Adam was slept. 
I imagine how Eve has a processed of form making with God. When God created Eve, it must be very careful, He put His very attention on Eve only. God put Adam to sleep so He can focused on creation of Eve.  I always believe her face, her hand, her hair, was made with love.

When Eve breath for the first time and open her eyes, she looked at her God. She see God, mean that She has to depend on God for everything, she has to put her trust in God. When God brings her to Adam, Eve submit to God. If she doesnt have submit heart, maybe she would never met Adam. 
(Gen 2:22)

22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and He brought her to the man.
Genesis 2:22 (NLT)

Girls, do you spend your single time looking for dependable boyfriend? 
Do you trying to get love from people?
Do you spend most of your money for make up, cute clothes, sexy appearance outfit?
 Do you see Him in your life? 
Do you know, you are so precious?
Do you build your relationship with God and trust Him?
Do you submit to the word of God?

Eve in modern world knows that she dont have to spend million dollars to have world applaud on her, to be loved by someone. 
Eve in modern world knows that what matter the most was her character, not what clothes she wears. 
She priotized her time with God, not hours of make up and millions tricks to be more beautiful. 
She look to God when everything seems impossible. 
Seeing God in every season of her life, not only depend on her feelings but depend on Gods words in her life.
She wont craving for someone else's attention because she knows God's give His full attention to her.


After the process in their single life, God unite them in Eden. They have to met in Eden and work to fulfil the purpose of God. 

This mean "Your marriage should have purpose of God in it".

The origin marriage purpose are not for parent life experiencing, or just to having sex, not to living happily ever after life or even to expanding business, to have descendant and fulfill parents wishes, to gain popularity, etc.. 
Oh so much more than that, God combine the strength of Adam & Eve, together they fulfil God's vision in their life.

One fine day, Eve was take a walk in Eden alone, until a serpent came to her. I wont be sharing how Eve fall into Satan's trap in detail. You know the rest of the story until Eve & Adam ate forbidden fruit. (Gen 3:1-6)

The fall of the marriage start right before two people decided to eat forbidden fruit on their understanding. They choose to trust man's idea over a God's words. Eve trust her idea about those fruits which took Adam to trust to that idea too.

 The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her.
Genesis 3:6a (NLT)

Everytime husband and wife trying to lean to human's understanding, they are not walk on God's way. This is the start of the fall of marriage.

The next fall was when both Adam & Eve accussed, no one want to took the blame the sins of disobedience. Adam blame Eve, which means blaming God for created Eve for Adam. Eve blaming satan. This blaming cycle let a fall of marriage.

One day, we will find a situations that may allow us to blaming. 
But God said, Adam & Eve are not two but one flesh. 
It means we can't blame our spouse for it is your part of body. 
It means that we have to take the responsibility together. :)
The Love Story of Adam & Eve is so pure, they gave a place for God to intervent their lives. 
How many couples still have a room of God to rule their lives today?

No matter how Adam & Eve's fall, you have to see that Seth was living proof that they are trying to be a good parents and to depending on God.

yess, this is the truth that your love story wont be like disney princess, so full of happily ever after promises..
Bible love story was full of reality of lives..
But what will be more beautiful than to walk together with God?

God bless you :)

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